It's half way through September and the summer will soon be over. Time to stop living on wine, cocktails and junk food, and return to a reasonably respectable lifestyle. I don't know about you but my body needs a kickstart back into health. So, I'm having a month of detox-ish. I'm not doing a full, proper detox but simply trying to eat healthily and cut out all alcohol for 31 days. Originally, I was just going to quit alcohol for a month but I figured there's little benefit if I continue filling my face with pork pies!! It's funny how people assume that because you do lots of exercise you can eat whatever you like. That is not true. It never has been for me but things definitely change when you get into your thirties. Not only does my body look slightly wobblier and saggy but it's not performing at its best either. It can, and it will, but not on this diet. For the last month, I have treated my body baaaaaadly! I've been eating way too much junk food (deep fried mars bar included!) and drinking far too much alcohol. I've still maintained a good level of fitness as I enjoy exercise and it keeps me sane. But, I feel as I get older I can't mistreat my body and get away with it as I may have done ten years ago. I feel sluggish, my face is home to about twenty-five zits and my belly has become a jelly! Pretty sure we all know these foods are baddies!!! (this has been my diet, eeks!) It's fine to relax with our diet when we are on holiday and enjoy treats we don't always have. It's a nice reward for working hard before the holiday. But, this year I think I might have overdone it. I'm a keen believer in trying to challenge yourself in a new way every now and then. And this detox is a new challenge to me. I've never given up alcohol until now. They say that will-power is a muscle that can be trained just like any other and this will be a test for me. And YOU if you want to join me... Everybody has room for improvement, if you don't want to give up alcohol maybe try giving up something else for a short time, you might even decide to stick with the change.
If you know somebody that would like to detox and have some support from others trying the same, please share and get involved chatting on my Facebook page. So far there is lots of support from friendly people. Please join in, we are stronger together.
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April 2020